
Docker is an application which runs a program in an isolated environment with its dependencies, akin to a virtual machine. Docker is portable, lightweight and allows for compatibility.

How to get started

First, navigate to the docker folder.

Build the docker image for CPU use:

$ ./

Or build the docker image for GPU use:

$ ./ --gpu

Theses commands will get the devine-base image and build the devine image.

Once the build is complete, you can validate by running sudo docker images. One docker should be named devine. With an image in hand, simply run the command to launch an instance of your docker image:

$ ./

You will arive in a ubuntu like terminal which has the same layout as the code base. To exit, use ctrl+d.

Note: both and have some arguments that can be set depending on your usage. Use the argument --help for more information.

Information about the DEVINE docker images

The DEVINE project uses two docker images:

  • devine-base: contains all of the projects dependencies and can be rebuilt if necessary using ./base/
  • devine: contains the actual code.

Separating the dependencies from the code speed up further DEVINE builds.

Useful commands

$ sudo docker container ls                                       # Lists all containers currently running
$ sudo docker exec -it {containerId} bash                        # starts another bash in a given docker container
$ docker cp {path/to/filename} {containerId}:{Destination/Path/} # copy a file into a specific docker image