Head Coordinator


Scene finding:

We’re using april tags and the apriltags2_ros library to find the scene where the objets are located. The head will rotate looking down until both tags are found, and then the image_dispatcher will proceed by taking a picture of the scene found.


  1. Clone the apriltags2_ros repository in your catkin workspace, presumably ~/catkin_ws.
$ git clone git@github.com:dmalyuta/apriltags2_ros.git
  1. Copy the settings available in ./src/head_coordinator/apriltags2_config in the config directory of the newly cloned repository under ./apriltags2_ros/config
  2. Build the module using catkin_make:
$ catkin_make -C ~/catkin_ws


Using a kinect, place two 11cm by 11cm tag36h11 identified 0 and 1 in the top left and botom right corners of the scene you are trying to find.

$ roslaunch devine devine.launch launch_all:=false kinect:=true find_scene:=true

The robot’s head should turn in order to find the scene when the zone_detection topic is triggered.

Example of april tags

April tag #0 (top left) April tag #1 (bottom right)

These are examples of 36h11 tag ids #0 and #1. The tags must be 11cm wide when printed, and positioned respectively in the top left and bottom right corners. It’s also preferable that they directly face the camera to have the best accuracy possible.