Image Pipeline

Being able to interface with GuessWhat?! and users requires taking inputs from the robot’s Kinect 360 and processing them accordingly. The first link in the chain is the image dispatcher, which takes compressed images, validates that they are not blurred, and based on the game state, sends them onto the next node in the chain.

The next node to recieve the image, temporally, is the body tracking node. Using OpenPose we try to determine if a person is within range to begin a game. If it is the case, after the scene’s picture is taken, the image is sent to the segmentation and feature extration nodes.

Interfacing with GuessWhat?! requires extracting: a list of all objects, bounding boxes around them and a feature vector (FC8 of a VGG16). Respectively the segmentatation and feature nodes are responsible for this.

Below is a UML showing the sequence of interactions between the different modules.

'Look params'
skinparam sequence {
    hide footbox
    shadowing false
    ParticipantPadding 20
    BoxPadding 10
    ArrowColor Black
    ActorBorderColor Black
    LifeLineBorderColor Black
    LifeLineBackgroundColor Black

    ParticipantBorderColor Black
    ParticipantBackgroundColor Grey
    ParticipantFontName Roboto
    ParticipantFontSize 18
    ParticipantFontColor White

    ActorBackgroundColor White
    ActorFontColor Black
    ActorFontSize 18
    ActorFontName Roboto

    BoxFontSize 16
    TitleFontSize 20
'Box and participants'
box "Robot CPU" #FFFFFF
    participant openni
    participant body_tracking
    participant image_dispatcher
    participant feature_extraction
    participant image_segmentation
    participant GuessWhat
end box

title Start Game

 == Wait for human ==
loop until a human is close enough and for more than 0.5 sec.
openni -> image_dispatcher : /openni/rgb/image_color/compressed (CompressedImage)
openni -> image_dispatcher : /openni/depth/points (PointCloud2)
image_dispatcher -> body_tracking : /devine/image/body_tracking (CompressedImage)
body_tracking -> dialog_control : /devine/body_tracking (String)

== Extract image data  ==
image_dispatcher -> feature_extraction : /devine/image/features_extraction (CompressedImage)
scene_finder -> image_segmentation : /devine/image/segmentation (CompressedImage)
image_segmentation -> GuessWhat : /devine/objects (SegmentedImage)
feature_segmentation -> GuessWhat : /devine/image_features (VGG16Features)


Additional Information

Specifics for each node can be found at the following links: